Arrow Documentation

We would like to thank you for purchasing Arrow! We are very pleased you have chosen Arrow for your website, you will not be disappointed! Before you get started, please be sure to always check out these documentation files. We outline all kinds of good information, and provide you with all the details you need to use Arrow. Arrow can only be used with WordPress and we assume that you already have WordPress installed and ready to go. If you do not, please see our section on WordPress to help you get started.

If you are unable to find your answer here in our documentation, we encourage you to search our Knowledgebase, watch our Video Tutorials, and also perform a Forum Search for your answer. Chances are your question or issue have been brought up already and the answer is waiting to be found. If you are unable to find it anywhere, then please go go our forum section and post up a new topic with all the details we need. Please be sure to include your site URL as well. Thank you, we hope you enjoy using Arrow!

screenshot Arrow 2

WordPress Information

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. If you need help installing WordPress, follow the instructions in WordPress Codex or you can watch the Instructional Video created by Woo Themes. Below are all the useful links for WordPress information.

Requirements For Arrow

To use Arrow, you must be running WordPress 3.8 or higher, PHP5 or higher, and mysql 5 or higher. We have tested it with Mac, Windows and Linux. Below are a list of items you should ensure your host can comply with.

  • Check to ensure that your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
  • Always make sure they are running the latest version of WordPress
  • You can download the latest release of WordPress from official WordPress website
  • Always create secure passwords FTP and Database
Hosting is more secure when PHP applications, like WordPress, are run using your account’s username instead of the server’s default shared username (www or www-data). The most common way for hosting companies to do this is using suPHP. Just ask your potential host if they run suPHP or something similar.

We recommend using or A Small Orange for all your hosting needs.

What’s Included

When you purchase our theme from Themeforest, you need to download the Arrow files from your Themeforest account. Navigate to your downloads tab on Themeforest and find Arrow. Click the download button to see the two options. The Main Files contain everything, the Installable WordPress Theme is just the installable WordPress theme file. Below is a full list of everything that is included when you download the main files, along with a brief description of each item.

  • Arrow Theme Folder – contains the and wordpress theme. The child theme is only for users who make code changes.

Free Forum Support

All of our items come with free support, and we have a dedicated support forum to handle your requests. Support is limited to questions regarding the theme’s features or problems with the theme. We are not able to provide support for code customizations or third-party plugins. If you need help with anything other than minor customizations of your theme then you should enlist the help of a developer.

For free support, follow the steps or watch our video tutorial below.

Step 1Click Here To Create An Account, you will need your Themeforest Purchase Code What’s a Themeforest purchase code?

Step 2 – You need to enter your Themeforest Purchase Code, e-mail and a password. Your forum username will be the same username that purchased the theme on Themeforest.

Step 3 – Once you are signed up, you then need to sign into the forum with your new account and you can start using the forum.


You can install the theme in two ways: through WordPress, or via FTP. The file is the Installable WordPress Theme and what you need to use to get the theme installed. Please see the following sections for each method and watch our video tutorial on how to install Arrow. But first, you need to download the Arrow files from your Themeforest account. Navigate to your downloads tab on Themeforest and find Arrow. Click the download button to see the two options. The Main Files and the Installable WordPress Theme. See below.

Downloading The Main Files Gives You All The Content Listed Below

  • Arrow Theme Folder – contains the and wordpress theme. The child theme is only for users who make code changes.

Downloading The Installalable WordPress Theme Only Gives You The File

  • – this is the parent wordpress theme, install this via WordPress. If you install it via FTP then unzip it first and use the extracted folder.

WordPress Installation

Follow the steps below to install via WordPress.

Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Themes.

Step 2 – Click Install Themes and hit the upload button.

Step 3 – Navigate to find the “” file on your computer and click “Install Now”

Step 4 – Wait while the theme is uploaded and installed.

Step 5 – Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.

Step 6 – Then you will get a notification to activate the required plugins: Revolution Slider, Aqua Page Builder, Contact Form 7. Follow the steps to instal and activate. The other plugins we include are integrated into the theme and all will be ready to use when you right away.

Common Install Error: Are You Sure You Want To Do This?

If you get the “Are You Sure You Want To Do This” message when installing file via WordPress, it means you have an upload file size limit. Install the theme via FTP if this happens, or call your hosting company and ask them to increase the limit.

FTP Installation

Follow the steps below to install via FTP.

Step 1 – Log into your hosting space via an FTP software

Step 2 – Unzip the file and ONLY use the extracted Arrow theme folder

Step 3 – Upload the extracted Arrow theme folder into wp-content > themes folder

Step 4 – Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.

Step 6 – Then you will get a notification to activate the required plugins: Revolution Slider, Aqua Page Builder, Contact Form 7. Follow the steps to instal and activate. The other plugins we include are integrated into the theme and all will be ready to use when you right away.

Arrow Changelog

Arrow is constantly being updated with new features and adjustments. You can always view the most recent update information in the change log in the changelog.txt file inside the theme zip file. You can also view the full change log below.

Arrow Change Log

Demo Content

When you first install any wordpress theme, it will not contain all the extra content that you might of seen in the live demo. There are two ways you can import the Arrow Demo Content. Usually you have to import an XML file which can be troublesome. We’ve made it easier by creating a Theme Options Demo Content Importer.

Method 1: Import All Demo Content – Now users can quickly and easily import our demo content with one click of the button. This is the preferred method because its the fastest and easiest way to get our demo content. Using this method will give you all our pages and posts, several sample sliders of each slider type, widgets, theme option settings and more. If you wish to use our Theme Options Demo Content Importer, please see the “How To Import All Demo Content” section in our documentation.

Method 2: Import Theme Option

Method 3: Import file zip Revolution Slider

Please Note Some Important Items About The Demo Content

  • Images – Our demo images are not included because those are license stock photos that are not allowed to be shared. Instead we include other images in their place

Import All Demo Content

If would you like to use your site like my demo, you should import options for Theme options and WordPress posts / pages/ Portfolio/ etc. We have include 2 import files of Arrow theme.

  • WordPress import file - arrow_package >> data_export >> sample_data.xml
  • Theme options import file - arrow_package >> data_export >> theme_option_arrow.txt
  • Revolution Slider import file - arrow_package >> data_export >> Revolution Slider >>,

Step 1 – Install and activate these plugins before you proceed: Visual Composer,Mega Main Menu,Revolution Slider, WooCommerce, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist, YITH WooCommerce Compare, woocommerce new product badge, Newsletter and Contact Form 7

WordPress import file : Please go to wp admin >> tools >> import >> click WordPress. Then install recommended plugin and import dummy_contnent >> data_export >> sample_data.xml file.

View Gallery Step WordPress import file.

Import Theme Option

For Theme options import file : Please go to wp admin >> appearance >> theme options >> click Backup options. Then compy all dummy_contnent >> data_export >> theme_options.txt file and paste here.

Adding The Logo & Favicons

To Insert Your Logo and Your Favicon, Follow The Steps Below.

Step 1: Arrow requires that you upload your logo as an image file (Logo.png)

Step 2: Arrow requires that you upload your Favicon as an image file (Favicon.ico)

Step 3: Arrow requires that you upload your touch icon.(Purpose: Compatible on all screen)

Setting Up The Menu

Arrow using menu Navigation left and right.

Arrow Offers 4 Menu Locations

  • Menu Home Left – this is the menu for header left that only shows in the Home Page.
  • Menu Home Right – this is the menu for header right that only shows in the Home Page.
  • Menu Other Page Left – this is the menu for header left that shows in the Other Page.
  • Menu Other Page Right – this is the menu for header right that shows in the Other Page.

Setting Up Home Page

You can install the Home menu with many different. The menu drag and drop from the menu Pages or Link...

First Create A Custom Menu For Your One Page

Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Menus section of your admin and click “Create A New Menu” link and assign it a name.

Step 2 – Each menu item you add needs a unique anchor name in the URL field. These names act as anchors, and will link to the corresponding anchor name in your page content. Use the “Links” box on the left hand side to add menu items. In the “URL” field type the anchor of your section, ex: #intro and then assign a name to the menu item. Click the “Add to Menu” button.

Step 3 – Repeat step 2 for each menu item, giving each a unique: URL Link or Custom Link.

Step 4 – Once you have added your menu items, be sure to click the “Save Menu” button.

To Create The Home Page, Follow The Steps Below.

Step 1 – Create a new page and give it any name you wish.

Step 2 – In the Page Attributes box on the right hand side, set the Template to Page Template

Step 3 – Insert your Template Page Builder into the content.

Setting Up Home Page Revolution Slider

Setting Up Blog Page

More has the ability for you to make a one page site with a parallax scrolling menu. Most sites are traditionally setup with individual pages, each page with its own content. A one page site allows you to put all the content on one page, and the menu items will link to each different section of the page. Think of it as a full site but all on one page. A parallax one page site requires you to have a custom menu, a page with menu_anchors in the content and the custom menu assigned to the page. Please read below for information on how to set this up.

First Create A Custom Menu For Your Pages

Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Menus section of your admin and click “Create A New Menu” link and assign it a name.

Step 2 – Each menu item you add needs a unique anchor name in the URL field. These names act as anchors, and will link to the corresponding anchor name in your page content. Use the “Links” box on the left hand side to add menu items. In the “URL” field type the anchor of your section, ex: or #about and then assign a name to the menu item. Click the “Add to Menu” button.

Step 3 – Repeat step 2 for each menu item, giving each a unique or #name.

Step 4 – Once you have added your menu items, be sure to click the “Save” button.

To Create The Blog Page, Follow The Steps Below.

Step 1 – Create a new page and give it any name you wish.

Step 2 – In the Page Attributes box on the right hand side, set the Template to Blog

Step 3 – Insert your Teplate Page Builder into the content.

Setting Option Home Page

Setting up your home page is the same as setting up any other regular pages except that you need to specify in the settings which page will be your main home page. Arrow includes several pre-designed home page options. Any of the layout options you see on our demo can be imported through our demo content importer, or from copying the individual page content from our docs in the “How To Import Individual Pages” section. However, you are not stuck with our pre-designed layouts, you can build any type of home page you desire using our Page Builder elements. You can mix and match anyway you like.

To Set Your Home Page, Follow These Steps

Step 1 – Navigate to Settings > Reading.

Step 2 – Select “A Static Page” option.

Step 3 – Choose the page you want as your home page from the dropdown list.

Step 4 – This is also the same spot you select the Blog page as the post page.

Theme Page Builder

Extending the functionality of "Aqua Page Builder" plugin, the page builder function available in More allows you to create various of template variations for use in your Arrow site. It has the similar interface with WordPress Menus & Widgets admin page - This makes you feel comfortable with the user interface.

It also comes with 20 content blocks that allows you to build complex page layout easily.

Here Is A Screenshot That Shows The Various Areas Of The Widget Section Described Above.

How to use Page Builder to create the Home page

Step 1 Navigate to Appearance > Page Builder.

Step 2 Click Button Add Template -> Enter Name Page

Step 3 Click Button Create Template

View Arrow Video How to use Page Builder to create the Home page

Setting Up All Block For Arrow Creative View Video

Creating Blog Posts And Portfolio Single

No matter which method or methods you use to display your blog posts, the first thing you need to do is create the blog posts. Arrow offers several blog post types, image, image slideshows, video and more on Arrow. Each blog post you make will be able to be displayed using any of the 3 methods described above. And with the ability to assign custom categories to each post, you can easily display a set of posts based on category. See below for information on how to create blog posts.

Follow the Steps Below To Create A Blog Post and Portfolio Single

Step 1 – Navigate to Posts in your WordPress admin.

Step 2 – Click on Add New to make a new post. Create a title and insert your post content in the editing field. You can use any of our short code builder elements inside the post.

Step 3 – Add Categories from the right side. To assign it to the post, check the box next to the Category name.

Step 4 – Add Tags from the right side. Type the name of the tag in the field, separate multiple tags with commas.

Step 5 – For a single image, click the first Featured Image Box, select an image and click “Set Featured Image”.

Step 6 – For a slideshow, insert more than one Gallery, each image will be a slide in the slideshow.

Step 7 – For a video post, paste the Link from either Youtube or Vimeo into the Video Link Code field.

Step 8 – For a audio post, paste the Link audio Soundcloud into the Audio Code field.

Step 9 – Once you are finished, click Publish to save the post.

Here Is A Screenshot That Shows The Various Areas Of The Blog Post Page Described Above.

General Settings Theme Options

General Settings - This section supports your SEO !

404 Settings

404 Title,404 Content: Select 404 Title,404 Content do you want:

Blog Settings

Field: Select Blog Title,Blog Layout,Blog custom excerpt leng... do you want:

Portfolio Settings

Field: Link portfolio to home page:

Styling Options

  • Right-to-Left Language Support : Language Support
  • Theme Main ColorUnlimited Color Theme
  • Footer Background ColorUnlimited Color Theme
  • CopyRight Color :Unlimited Color Theme
  • ...Unlimited Color Theme

Setting Up The Widget

Step 1 Navigate to Appearance > Widgets.

Here Is A Screenshot That Shows The Various Areas Of The Widget Section Described Above.

Make your site run faster

Get a good hosting You may not think that this is important, but if you want your site to display really fast you need to get a good hosting. This is the first step in having a fast site, which also translates into more views, which also translates into a better SEO, which finally translates into more sales. (affiliate links below) There are three hosting companies which i recommend:

  • Media Temple: - if you want a premium WordPress hosting which is easy to manage and works pretty well, this is a good choice to host your website on.
  • A Small Orange: - this is another good hosting company, which i’m currently using to host my theme demos on. If you bought this theme you probably liked the speed as well, so i highly recommend ASO to host your themes on (especially the Cloud VPS option).
  • WPEngine: - definitely not as cheap as the two examples above, but if you really want an incredibly fast website and absolutely no headaches in managing it, WPEngine is Arrow to go. With it you don’t have to worry about security, caching, updates, etc. Everything is handled by a great theme of professionals ready to help you with everything. You just need to care about your content.

Optimize images

Always optimize/compress your jpeg images before uploading them to the server. Large images should be compressed at around 90% image quality and you should also try to limit the use of lossless image files (uncompressed pngs).

Use a caching plugin

I can’t recommend enough the necessitiy go good caching. If you use a managed hosting such as WPEngine you don’t need this. But if you are using ASO or MT or any other hosting you need to cache your content. For this purpose, i recommend W3 Total Cache! It’s a great and easy to use plugin, and with only a bit of work you can double your site’s speed. See this ticket for more info on how to configure this plugin:

Configuring WPML

WPML consists of several modules. The basic module turns WordPress sites multilingual. Other modules help with an enhanced translation process, string translation, media translation and other functions.

You can learn about the different modules in the WPML Core and Addons page.

After you enable WPML, you’ll see a Multilingual Widget in the Admin Dashboard. This widget provides access to the different functions in WPML. You can also access them through the WPML menu.

  • Languages – Determine the site’s languages and control how different language contents are organized.
  • Theme and plugins localization – Choose between the traditional .mo files or using WPML’s String Translation.
  • Navigation – Control the appearance of site-wide navigation based on WordPress pages.
  • Sticky links – This is an essential function for running full websites with WordPress. It guarantees that links between pages can never break.


Translating Site Content


WPML creates different posts, pages and custom types for translations and connects them together. This means that every page has its own title, body and meta-fields.

WPML offers two ways for translating content:

  • Manually, by clicking on the + icons
  • Using WPML’s Translation Management module

Translation Dashboard


Learn how to translate posts, pages and custom data types in - translating your content. You can also translate post categories and custom taxonomies.

Most WordPress sites contain texts outside of posts. WPML translates these texts using the String Translation module.

To display image galleries in translated content, you should use WPML Media. It will allow you to connect the same media files to content in different languages.


Advanced Translation

Once you’ve translated the site’s content and general strings, you might be interested in translating the site’s navigation and using localized permalinks.

Learn more about: